
Yearning for a getaway from the mundane routine of working from home, a recent long weekend beckoned us to embark on a long-awaited adventure. Recalling an abandoned plan from years ago to explore the northern realms of Nainital towards Kilbury, Pangot, and Kunjkarak, the wanderlust ignited once more. This time, determined not to let life’s other priorities derail our plans, we set forth with a band of friends converging in Ramnagar, brimming with anticipation for our expedition to Pangot.

Nestled merely 12 kilometers away from Nainital, Pangot unveils itself as a utopia for bird enthusiasts, promising a serene haven amidst nature’s embrace. Initially considering a detour to China Peak, the allure of Pangot’s myriad offerings swayed us to devote our entire trip to its exploration.

The journey from Ramnagar commenced in the wee hours of the morning, a tad daunting with a little one in tow, yet brimming with excitement. After a tiresome yet picturesque three-hour drive, we finally arrived at our sanctuary, Kaafal Resort, welcomed by the tranquil ambiance and a cacophony of avian melodies.


Friends + Baby


Small Homestay and clouded Hills

The first impression was nothing short of enchanting - Pangot, ensconced by rolling hills on all sides, offered panoramic vistas of lush valleys. Eager to immerse ourselves in the local charm, we dedicated our initial day to birdwatching and sampling the delectable offerings of quaint cafes, particularly relishing the savory momos.


Swiss resorts at Pangot

The subsequent day beckoned us to explore further, leading to a venture towards the hidden gem, a local waterfall mere kilometers from our abode. While there were numerous other attractions in Pangot, the proximity of the waterfall made it an irresistible choice, leaving us enraptured by nature’s grandeur.


Path to the secret waterfall


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot


Birds at Pangot

As the sun descended, painting the sky in hues of fiery reds and oranges, Pangot bid us farewell with a breathtaking sunset, etching yet another unforgettable memory in our hearts. Departing after two days of blissful immersion, Pangot left an indelible mark, promising future escapades to uncover the treasures of Kilbury and Kunjkarak.


Enchanting Sunset


Another beautiful Homestay at pangot


Terrace Farming

In retrospect, our impromptu trip to Pangot was a testament to the beauty of spontaneous adventures, reaffirming the adage that the best journeys are often unplanned. Until we meet again, Pangot, with your symphony of birdsong and tranquil vistas, you shall remain a cherished memory, beckoning us to return for more adventures amidst nature’s embrace.